Thursday, October 22, 2015

Khloe & Lamar call of their Divorce.

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As Lamar Odom is on a lot of people’s minds right now, one L.A. Times writer vents exactly how he feels about the Kardashian Circus Show that ensued once they took his bedside in Las Vegas. Find out what he said and get the latest deets on his progress -- and his divorce -- inside….

This past week, we (along with the rest of the world) have been closely monitoring the latest developments in the Lamar Odom “overdose” situation. It’s quite sad and very unfortunate how he went from a NBA superstar to being found unconscious in a brothel and later fighting for his life.

Today it was annoucned that the divorce Khloe Kardashian filed for back in 2013 and both Khloe and Lamar finalized this year...has been called off.  The original paperwork sat in a judge's stack of papers unprocessed.  So, the divorce TECHNICALLY was never legally finalized.  Now that Lamar and Khloe seem to have reunited over this latest tragedy, the twosome had their divorce lawyer enter a petition to call the whole thing off.  Lamar signed the doc from his hospital bed yesterday while Khloe's lawyer signed on her behalf.

TMZ reports:

Khloe and Lamar have jointly gone to court to dismiss their divorce case, because they want to stay husband and wife ... TMZ has learned.

Khloe's lawyer Laura Wasser went before a judge Wednesday morning, asking a judge to withdraw the papers they both signed to end their marriage. The file was sitting in a pile waiting to be processed and signed by a judge.

The judge granted Wasser's request and the file is now dead.


That brings us to this.  L.A. Times writer, Bill Plaschke, is putting things in perspective from his point of view and basically saying what many folks have been thinking: The Kardashians are once again capitalizing on Lamar. In so many words, “the basketball star never stood a chance against the Kardashians.”

In his column, Bill reflects on Lamar’s loyalty and humility and how he has such a sweet soul. But he also discussed how those good qualities about him ultimately aided in his downfall once he hooked up with the Kardashin Klan.

When talking about his estranged wife Khloe Kardashian and her family jetting to his bedside in Las Vegas, he explained,

Suddenly, all the prayers weren't only for Odom, but for the poor Kardashians and all their pain, reality's freak show pulling in Odom one more time, capitalizing on his celebrity one more time, overshadowing his real struggles one more time, creating an irony both somber and profound. The Kardashians came across as Odom's intensive-care advocates when, in fact, his appearance in their warped TV world was part of the self-destructive slide that led him there.

Bill then goes on to reflect on the time he CONFRONTED his estranged wife Khloe Kardashian about how the show was negatively affecting Lamar and his performance on the court. The L.A. Times writer said he approached Khloe at a news conference at the L.A. International Airport hotel back in the spring of 2011 where Lamar was being honored (that he was reporting on) and here’s how it went down:

I approached her and challenged her motives. Without ever looking me in the eye, she responded, "The show has been therapy for Lamar. It's been a real release."

A release of what? His pride? His strength? None of it made sense, and I ended the column with, "While Odom's sixth man award was a tribute to his ability to escape the bench, he hasn't been so lucky with the Kardashians."

After he ran that column, Lamar got upset with the things Bill wrote in his article and wanted to talk to him about. Bill said he approached him in the locker room (“I figured he was like most athletes who only confront writers in front of teammates so they can gain strength in numbers”), but that was not the case.

Turns out, Odom was different. I should have known he would be different.

"Hey, I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone, I don't want to embarrass anyone, let's go outside in the hallway," Lamar said quietly.

We adjourned to a quiet corner of the arena tunnel where Odom looked down, placed his hands on my shoulders, and spoke firmly in words I still remember.

"Look, I know you don't like the show, I get it," he said. "It's Hollywood, it's not real, but I get that you think it's hurting me, and I appreciate your concern."

He shook his head.

"But when you're taking personal shots at Khloe, just remember, that's my wife. That's the woman I love. Rip the show, fine, but do not rip her personally, because that's my wife."

He finished, I nodded, he hugged me, he said we were good, and that was that. Odom could never stay mad, not with me, not with the Kardashians, not with anyone. He was deeply loving, fiercely loyal, and if you wonder why seemingly the entire NBA family has been rooting so hard for him this past week, that is why.

Bill then ended his column asking that we continue to pray for Lamar and that this whole unfortunate situation doesn’t play out on their “horrible reality wreck.”

History will show that the Lakers were eventually swept out of that 2011 postseason by Dallas, Odom's playoff numbers slipped, and he never wore a Lakers uniform again.

Four years later, he has returned to Los Angeles to face a much bigger fight and, in the cruelest of twists, his celebrity "family" has shown up with him.

Pray for his return to health. And pray the Kardashians don't have the obscene gall to put it all on television.


In other Lamar news….

Lamar’s aunt and godmother JaNean Mercer (through her publicist Alvina Alston) has recently given a new update on his progress. And it’s good news! We told you Lamar was transferred to Cedars-Sinai in L.A. recently. And it's looking like he's getting better by the day.

In a new statement, JaNean says, "He continues to make miraculous progress, taking a few steps in Los Angeles." There are also pictures of Lamar (and Khloe) as he was being transported to L.A. that you can check out here.

We're very happy to hear Lamar is getting stronger and fighting through it all. Let's keep him in our prayers for a speedy recovery and a successful rehab.

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