Tuesday, October 20, 2015

TI Drops $30K On Strippers In Dallas

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As his worldwide apology tour continues, TI proved to a few ladies that he's very supportive of women and their endeavors...especially if they are naked and dancing to his music.

So......let's talk about TI.  A few days ago he made headlines around the world after he made some very sexist comments about women and their capabilities.  Mainly, he argues that a woman could not lead the United States. Why?  He feels that women make decisions based on emotion.

His exact words were:

“Not to be sexist but, I can’t vote for the leader of the free world to be a woman,” he said. “Just because, every other position that exists, I think a woman could do well. But the president? It’s kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally – they make very permanent, cemented decisions – and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen. And I sure would hate to just set off a nuke. [Other leaders] will not be able to negotiate the right kinds of foreign policy; the world ain’t ready yet. I think you might be able to the Lochness Monster elected before you could [get a woman].”

Well.....the collective response to those comments were negative.  Even Oprah Winfrey chimed in to share her disapproval.  So guess what came next....his apology.  He tweeted,

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