Friday, October 23, 2015

Raven-Symone breaks up with Lesbian partner

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"The View" blabbermouth Raven Symone doesn't just annoy American viewers....she also possibly annoys her lovers.  She and her longtime girlfriend have allegedly split!  Get the deets on the "Empire" breakup inside....

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mmmm......would you imagine that Raven Symone is just as annoying at home as she is on television?  Is she that type of chick who says dumb and and inappropriate stuff to your Grandma at Thanksgiving?  Would she intentionally do something to upset your God-fearing Mama?  We don't know for sure.....but it's highly unlikely that she knows how to turn off her "personality" when the cameras aren't rolling.

For whatever reason....she and AzMarie Livingston (former "ANTM" contestant and current "Empire" star) have split.  That's all according to Us Weekly.

The two began dating back in 2012 (long before Raven semi-officially came out of the closet) and it’s unclear why they parted ways. But we suspect it's Raven mouth, attitude and fashion sense. But that's just us.....

Maybe Raven left AzMarie because her name was ghetto? Or maybe she left AzMarie because she "identifies" as black. #Raven has so many issues and hangups...who knows.

Interestingly, this morning on "The View," Raven chimed in on a discussion about tall men loving to date short women revealing, "Well I don't date men anyway."  She also dropped a nugget admitting that yes, she's tried men and she's not missing anything.


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